授课机构 | 苏州益多少儿英语培训中心 |
上课地点 | 苏州工业园区现代大道158号新城邻里中心四楼B409-410(现代大道和星海街交汇口)|详细地图 |
成交/评价 | 5.0分 |
联系电话 | 0512-66555771 |
Level 1(3-5岁)
My Face 我的脸
Learn the features of the face. 学习五官的名称
Learn about gender (boy/girl). 学习男女性别(男孩/女孩)
Learn about opposites (thick/thin, big/small). 学习反义词(粗/细、大/小)
Match the correct word to the picture. 配对正确的字与图
My Body and Senses 我的身体与感官
Identify the parts of the body. 认识身体各部分
Know the sense organs and how they help us. 温习五种官能
Match things that associate with the senses. 由五种官能联想到各种物体
Recognize and identify actions our body can do. 学习身体能做出什么动作
My clothes 我的衣服
Compare and contrast clothes worn by girls and boys. 辨别、比较男女的衣物
Match things of the same pattern. 配对相同的花纹
Learn about clothes we put on for different occasions. 学习不同场合穿不同衣服
Use simple structures like “He wears…” “She wears ”. 造简单的句子,如:他穿。。。, 她穿。。。
My Pets 我的宠物
Learn the different animals can be kept at home. 认识什么动物可以当宠物
Identify the names of different pets. 学习一些常见的宠物的名称
Pre-writing skills(Tracing patterns). 写前活动(画虚线)
Identify and recognize food and home for pets. 认识宠物吃的食物和它们的住所
Colors 美丽的颜色
Learn and identify the primary and secondary colors. 认识颜色和混合颜色
Use of simple sentence structure like “A black shirt” and “ A pink dress”. 造简单的句子,如:“这是。。。色的。。。”
Match the words to the correct colors. 学会配对颜色和词汇
All About Shapes 有趣的形状
Learn and identify the different types of shapes. 认识不同的形状
Be able to match the shapes to the words. 学会配对形状和词汇
Letters Aa to Zz 字母 Aa-Zz
Recognize and identify letters “a” to “z”. 辨认字母“a”-“z”
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